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TERATOLOGY Terato Teratogen Teratoma Teratothanasia
~ TERATO~ prefix for id+ | PORTENT WONDER | id+ | EXPRESSION OF DIVINE POWER | note> the notion is imbued with an aura of a godly power over nature - a godly message hx> the notion of "MONSTER" may reflect the impact of Christian monks translating ancient sources and imparting their dogmatic views of sin and the power of the Devil - history shows how the malformed and their mothers were often destroyed or alternatively seen as a proof of maternal intercourse with the Devil ~ TERATOLOGY med> SCIENTIFIC and CLINICAL DISCIPLINE CONCERNED WITH ENVIRONMENTAL CAUSES or ETIOLOGY OF DEVELOPMENTAL ALTERATIONS note CONSIDERABLE CONFUSION ARISES FROM THE FREQUENT USE OF ALTERNATIVE NAMES FOR TERATOLOGY e.g. REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY BEHAVIORAL TERATOLOGY DYSMORPHOLOGY CLINICAL GENETICS see> clarifications in companion web-site CLINICAL EYE OPENERS ~ TERATOMA id+ |TUMOR LIKE DEFORMITY | med> experts dispute if a teratoma is a malformation or a neoplasia microscopically, the tumor has to have three sorts of embryonic tissues see> tissue endothelium, mesothelium and ectothelium note if vertebral column elements are present the teratoma is considered to be an incorporated parasitic co-twin ~ TERATOGEN id+ | AGENT CAPABLE OF "DEFORMING" | ~ TERATOGENIC id+ | CAPACITY TO ENGENDER A PORTENT | ~ TERATOTHANASIA id+ | DEATH INDUCING MALFOMATIONS | gr THANATOS = points to DEATH MORTAL med> MOST TERATOGENIC IMPACTS ARE FATAL and MANIFESTED AS STERILITY or RECURRENT PREGNANCY LOSSES or in popular parlance "BIRTH DEFECTS" for MALFORMATIONS among the most common TERATOGENIC RISK FACTORS are prenatal exposure to ALCOHOL IONIZING RADIATION MATERNAL LACK OF ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS IN PARTICULAR FOLATES EXPOSURES TO LEAD MERCURY PETROCHEMICALS MATERNAL DIABETES RUBELLA CLINICAL USE OF TERATOGENIC PRESCRIPTION DRUGS E.G. THALIDOMIDE continued see> companion overview see> companion web-site Clinical Eye Openers 20220121 ww |