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Russ Russine Russia Russify
~ RUSS or ~ RUSSINE refers to an ancient civilization primarily centered in KYIV now the capital of independent Ukraine which RUSSIANS correctly regard as a root of their culture however the Ukrainian and Russian cultures evolved differently under different circumstances ~ RUSSIA formerly MOSCOVY or MUSCOVY see> DEW MOSKOVITES or modern RUSSIANS share roots with other RUSS or RUSSYN people or ~ RUSSIFY a characteristic of RUSSIANS is to be STRONGLY NATIONALISTIC which sufficiently often has reached levels of criminal CHAUVINISM akin to RACISM because RUSSIAN CHAUVINISM links with PANSLAVIC notions which include that RUSSIANS are the "big brother" or in Russian "Bolshoi brat" of Ukrainians whom they call "little Russians" or "malo-ros" RUSSIFICATION is aimed at non-Russian Russ peoples such as Ukrainians among others and is not aimed at non-RUSS people like Tatars etc which confers a RACIST OVERTONE to RUSSIFICATION EFFORTS as denoted by "TY NASH" for YOU ARE OURS OR US when referring to RUSS non-Russian individuals hx> current events in Ukraine provoked by the abuse of power by a M. AZAROV as Prime Minister who is a native RUSSIAN and who refused to speak UKRAINIAN to the UKRAINIAN PEOPLE and the President Victor YANUKOVICH who is also a RUSSOPHONE corrupt Politician from the RUSSIAN SPEAKING city of Donetsk their abuses and disrespect for Ukrainians including by ordering a massacre of unarmed protesters resulted in their public rejection that prompted their escape and refuge in RUSSIA under the protection of the Russian President V. Putin 20240423 ww |