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~ OBESE id+ | GREASE | ^u id+ | FAT plus derogatory implications from GREASE pointing to CRASS and GROSS | must see> prefix OB as in OBstruction eng OB ESE = STOUT STURDY ROBUST MEATY ger ESSEN TO EAT lat OBESUS WHO ATE IN EXCESS as in OBSESSION OBEDERE TO EAT OBID SUPPER OBIDA OFFENSE OBICE ABJECT ply> | some linguists seem ob sessed with Latin word roots such an ex cess may obscure the point that ob ESE has to do with ESSEN | ply> | OBID and OBIDA in Ukrainian remind us not to eat in excess because GLUTTONY is a CARDINAL SIN | ply> | OB ESITY is an OB JECTIONABLE OB STETRIC OB STACLE | see> GREASE see> FAT see> EAT ply> | OB ESITY is an OB JECTIONABLE OB STACLE for healthy OB STETRICS | 20160524 ww |