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~ MAENAD or see> BACHAE ~ MAENADS note ETYMOLOGY given mostly under see> MIND see> MANIA myth> WOMEN DRIVEN TO ECSTASY or FRENZY WHEN WORSHIPING see> DIONYSUS or see> BACCHUS a style of devotions that reduced fears and oppressive conventions note connection with grape wine and BACCHUS as in lat BACA = BERRY see> BACHELOR hx> also MAENADS WERE WOMEN OF THEBES THAT JOINED PROCESSIONS IN HONOR OF DIONYSOS lit+ THE CLASSIC INTERPRETATION OF THE FRENZY OF MAENADS IS PERPETUATED by a play "BACCHAE" by EURIPIDES [#] art> BACHANTES were a favorite subject depicted in vases with an emphasis on NOCTURNAL DANCES and ASSAULTS ON PENTHEUS or ORPHEUS note a Roman copy of a Greek original of the late 5th century BC on display at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art which shows a BEAUTIFULLY EXECUTED TABLET WITH A RELIEF OF AN ATTRACTIVE GIRL IDENTIFIED AS A MAENAD or BACHANT BECAUSE SHE HOLDS A STAFF ADORNED WITH VINE LEAVES and BERRIES WHICH IMPLY A LINK WITH DIONYSUS see> BACCHUS see> DIONYSUS 20200815 ww |