Our websites offer information mostly for educational purposes with no intent to alter health care protocols nor to serve as a sole source of medical information.
Always seek the advice of your local health care provider.
~ LEG id+ | ANY NUMBER OF LIMBS or ^u APPENDICES implicitly LEG is mostly for LOCOMOTION vs LIMB or APPENDIX could include WINGS | med> A SECTION OF THE LOWER LIMB BETWEEN THE KNEE AND FOOT biol> HIND or POSTERIOR LEG or LIMB note INSECTS or animals in sections or IN SECT may have many legs sug> CENTIPEDE also ANTENNA and WINGS also LEG may imply A SUPPORT sug> MEMBER the roots of LEG are uncertain but perhaps relate to gr LEKAN = JUMP sug> LOBSTER LAGDON LEAP KICK sug> LOPE sp LAGARTO LIZARD sug> ALLIGATOR lat LACUSTA LOCUST or GRASSHOPPER sug> LOCOMOTION lith LEKIU FLY sug> HOP ukr LETIT FLYING sug> FLUX LITAK AIRPLANE or sug> FLIT LITAI FLY sug> SOAR |