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Welcome: I kid you not, kidding is an immature manifestation but some of us are snooty and snotty ... such is the idea of ideas in words an etymology expanded by mythology and polyglot roots Please cogitate ! what follows may be revealing ~ KID id+ | KIDS of GOAT or HUMAN ^u EMANATE ODOROUS VITALITY | biol> YOUNG GOAT also CHILD or IMMATURE YOUTH or ~ KIDDIE diminutive for CHILD CHILD including slur as in id+ KIDS may STINK or be a "STINKING KID" med> CHILDREN tend to have MUCUS or be SNOTTY SNOOTY ~ KIDDING implies TO GIVE BIRTH TO A GOAT also JOKE or MAKE BELIEVE ~ KIDNAP TO SNATCH A CHILD note ideas of CHILD MUCUS ODOR ukr KOZA = KID or GOAT also COAGULATED NASAL MUCUS note BUG BUGGER port PIVETE AROMATIC or SMELLING Catalan PUE PIE sp PEBETE SMALL LOAF OF BREAD also CHILD or PIBE CHILD or ODOROUS CHILD MOCO VISCOUS MUCUS MOCOSO INEXPERIENCED YOUTH ukr SMARK MUCUS SMARKACH CHILD SMAR MUCUS leading to ideas of LUBRICANT GREASY eng SMEAR SOIL BLEMISH SMUDGE STAIN SNOT MUCUS SNOOTY CRUSTY CURT SNOUT NASAL PROMINENCE affectionate expression of connections of CHILDREN SKINK MUCUS are found in "LITTLE BUGGER or STINKER" for more see> MUCUS 20230105 ww |