Our websites offer information mostly for educational purposes with no intent to alter health care protocols nor to serve as a sole source of medical information.
Always seek the advice of your local health care provider.
Hurt Hurtle
~ HURT and HURL see> MAD see> SORE ~ HURTLE id+ | SORE SENSITIVE PAINFUL | ^u id+ | HARM points to HURT | see> PITY id+ | INJURED FEELINGS | see> SORE id+ | TO BRING TOGETHER | see> WOUND id+ | STRIKE | see> INJURE id+ | THRUST WITH VIGOR or KNOCK | ed { several ideas emerge below namely rapid cluster injury hurt shame } ger HURTIG = RAPID QUICK old fris HURTER INJURE old eng HYRST TREE CLUSTER HURST WOODED KNOLL as in HAZELHURST HAZEL FOREST ukr HURT GROUPING also A TATAR TENT HURTOVATY TO ASSEMBLE old Slavic SRAMU PITY ukr SOROM SORROW SHAME note THE ABOVE RELATES TO HARM which destroys HARMONY and thereofe DISARTICULATES or DISJOINS which points to gr ARTHRON JOINT and related disorders med> ARTHRITIS for ACUTE JOINT DISEASES or ARTHROSIS for CHRONIC ARTICULAR AILMENTS continued see> INJURY see> GRIEF see> SORE see> ULCER see> WOUND 20120609 |