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Medical Humanism
~ MEDICAL HUMANISM id+ | IS THE HISTORY OF HUMANISM | because both arose concurrently id+ | INHUMANE MEDICINE EXISTS | hx> the following notions are primarily those of med> lit+ Felix MARTI-IBANEZ [116] hx> apparently MEDICAL HUMANISM EMERGED from ideas framed by CICERO [#] BOCCACCIO [#] PETRARCA [#] DANTE [#] who spoke of HUMANITAS and of "HUMANISTIC SPIRIT" often referring to the poet ARIOSTO [#] who popularized the maxim> " HOMO SUM NIHIL HUMANI A ME ALEINUM PUTO " for " MAN I AM NOTHING HUMAN IS ALIEN TO ME" as expressed in play "HEAUTON TIMONUMENOS" by Pablius Terentius AFER [#] also known as ERENT or TERENCE [#] lit+ hx> HUMANISM has roots in MEDICINE plus LITERATURE POETRY and PHILOSOPHY note PHYSICIANS played a leading role in PHILOLOGY and many were seen as PHILOSOPHER-PHYSICIANS who produced commentaries emulating the creations of Juan Luis VIVA [#] Miguel or MICHAEL SERVETUS [#] see> UNIVERSITY Miguel or MICHAEL SABUCO [#] y ALVAREZ de AVILA who wrote "NUEVA FILOSOFIA de la NATURALEZA del hombre no conocida ni alcanzada ... printed by the University of Illinois Press another 1587 edition was by Sabuco's daughter OLIVIA which was EXPURGATED by the INQUISITION note SABUCO [#] POSTULATED THE THEORY OF A "CEREBRAL or NEURAL JUICE" pointing toward THE CEREBROSPINAL FLUID and the VEGETATIVE SYSTEM " ... THERE ARE EMOTIONS PASSIONS MOTIONS OF THE MIND ..." the work was widely known and perhaps the reason why the National Library of Medicine managed to acquire 3 originals note the work is perhaps the first formal treatise on the RELATIONSHIP OF MIND and BODY thus on PSYCHOSOMATIC MEDICINE arguing that many medical troubles stem from a detachment of MEDICINE from PHILOSOPHY or an IGNORANCE OF HUMAN NATURE note Andres LAGUNA [#] physician of Charles V is seen as a a pioneer PSYCHOANALYST LAGUNA wrote a treatise on the PLAGUE in 1546 and proposed MERCURIAL FRICTION TREATMENTS his many books include translations of DIOSCORIDES [#] or Pedanius DIOSCURIDES [#] from ANAZARBUS CILICIA a Greek PHYSICIAN and PHARMACOLOGIST who lived between c 40-90 note C HOBBES [#] called "THE GREATEST AND MOST RELIABLE OF THE ANCIENT HERBALISTS" is mostly remembered for his "DE MATERIAL MEDICA" published during his life time the most famous early edition is "The Vienna Edition" of 1512 as a cornerstone of western and Arabic pharmaceutical sciences used for the next 400 years note LAGUNA also became interested in DEMONOLOGY and WITCHES and described PHANTASMAGORIAS induced by the root of NIGHTSHADE PLANTS and asserted "THESE VISIONS ARE PRODUCED DURING SLEEP" and instead of giving credit to "magic" LAGUNA implies that such trances are due to CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES within various plants an example of LAGUNA observations follows " ... THE WIFE ... ANOINTED FROM HEAD TO FOOT ... BECAUSE HAD LOST COMPLETELY THE ABILITY TO SLEEP ... A VERY GOOD SUBJECT FOR EXPERIMENT BECAUSE AN INFINITE NUMBER OF REMEDIES HAD BEEN TRIED IN VAIN ... I COULD NOT RESIST TRYING (A SAMPLE OF THIS OINTMENT) ... BECAUSE OF ITS COLOR AND ODOR IT WAS EASY TO CONCOCT ... AS SOON AS THIS LADY HAD BEEN ANOINTED WITH HER EYES OPEN LIKE A RABBIT ... SHE FELL INTO SUCH A PROFOUND SLEEP THAT I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD BE ABLE TO AWAKEN HER ..." the above is suggestive of an experiment with an OINTMENT with OPIUM or DATURA plants containing ATROPINE SCOPOLAMIN and HYOSCYAMINE which induce DELIROUS STATES thus the name DEVIL'S WEED or DEVIL'S CUCUMBER DATURA from Hindi DHATURA implies THOM for APPLE note LAGUNA lived in SPAIN when "NEW CHRISTIANS" were SUSPECT because of their JEWISH or ARAB roots note "JUDAIZANTISMO" a term for "A HERESY of RESIDUAL JEWISHNESS" note LAGUNA was called "CRYPTO-JEW" or "MARRANO" terms implying "NOT TRUE or VERITABLE CHRISTIAN" note LAGUNA was a "CONVERSO ERRANTE" or ERRANT PHYSICIAN and engaged in PEDAGOGICAL WANDERING or "LA PEREGRINATIO" which is mainly how KNOWLEDGE SPREAD ACROSS EUROPE perhaps akin to the CRUISING THE INTERNET note LAGUNA TOUGHT STUDIED AND PRACTICED MEDICINE IN SALAMANCA ALACA TOLEDO PARIS ROUAN LISBOA LONDON MIDDLEBURG METZ COBLENZ KHOLN KONIGSBERG NANCY NUREMBERG BOLOGNA GENEVA PISA VITERBO ROME NAPLES VENICE ... in 1543 in COLOGNE LAGUNA delivered a famous SPEECH "EUROPA SESE DISCRUTIANS" on the DEATH OF NATIONS THE MORTAL FRAGMENTATION OF EUROPE and IMPENDING WARS note Luis OBERA [#] de AVILA like LAGUNA also born in AVILA about 1471 he concentrated his medical work upon ANATOMY PLAGUE and SYPHILIS note Antonio GOMEZ PEREIRA [#] was born about 1500 in MEDINA del CAMPO A JEWISH PHYSICIAN AND PHILOSOPHER and physician to PHILIP II PEREIRA established the value of FEVER as a process to RESTORE NORMALITY and OPPOSED DOGMATIC ADHERENCE TO GALEN [#] A CENTURY BEFORE DESCARTES HE FRAMED THE SYLLOGISM "I KNOW THAT I KNOW SOMETHING EVERYONE WHO KNOWS IS HENCE I AM" cont> see> MEDICATION pointing to MEDICINE 20200918 ww |