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~ CAROTID or in Spanish ~ CAROTIDA med> TWO MAIN ARTERIES LINKING sug> VESSEL THE AORTA and BRAIN sug> CEREBRUM hx> THE ANCIENT IDEA WAS THAT COMPRESSION OF CAROTIDS CAUSED SLEEP or STUPOR a flawed idea leading to this MISNOMER that induced GALEN [#] to elaborate and show and that COMPRESSION OF CAROTID ARTERIES DOES NOT CAUSE SLEEP The idea CAROTID arteries has confusing roots In any case it is charming that in the midst of roots we find a CARROT gr KAROTIS a misnomer implying DEEP SLEEP STUPOR sug> STUPID DROWSY LETHARGY sug> LETHAL gr KARA HEAD sug> CEPHALIC indeur KRKER HEAD sug> MIND gr KERAS HORN sug> HORNY sp CUERNO HORN sug> CORNUCOPIAN Galatian CARNON TRUMPET as in sug> CORE sp CAROZO HARD FRUIT PIT sug> PITFALL gr KAROTIN CARROT lat COROTA same biol> HORN HARD BONY GROWTH sug> EXCRESCENCE ON THE FOREHEAD sug> CAPRICORN eng CORN HARD GRAIN sug> COMPACT med> CORNEA HARD TRANSPARENT sug> LIMPID FRONTAL EYE TISSUE sug> UNICORN ply> | The above has posed a HORNY dilemma to those who like CARROTS and worry about CAROTIDS | |