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~ CADUCARY id+ | TEMPORARY | caer in sp is "to fall" ~ CADUCIARY id+ | PERISHABLE MORTAL TEMPORARY | ^u id+ | TEMPORAL POWER | ~ CADUCEUS id+ | STICK or STAFF of a HERALD | id+ | EMBLEM OF BALANCED LIGHT AND DARKNESS | id+ | EMBLEM of LEFT and RIGHT BALANCE | id+ | CHAOS RESOLVED BY AN AXIS | id+ | for Romans an EMBLEM OF GOOD BEHAVIOUR | id+ | for Romans an SYMBOL OR MORAL EQUILIBRIUM | id+ | INSIGNIA RELATED TO MEDICINE | id+ | MAGIC WAND BATON | id+ | EMBLEM OF FERTILITY A PHALUS | id+ | CADUCEUS OF HERMES | id+ | MORTALS FALL thus are CADUCARY | id+ | AS MORTALS WALK THEIR HIP or in sp CADERA or COXA SWAYS and may BECOME PAINFUL meaning COXALGIA | id+ | THIS IMPLEMENT OF HERMES INDUCED SLEEP | id+ | EMBLEM OF THE CATHOLIC BISHOP OR UKRAINE | ~ CADUCIARY id+ | PRONE TO FALL as LEAFS during the FALL | id+ | TEMPORARY opp to PERENNIAL ENDURING | note extensions in related entries CAD~ id+ | prefix for TO FALL | CADAVER id+ | FALLEN FROM LIFE | id+ | CORPSE CARCASS REMAINS | CADE id+ | FALL FALLING in lat | CADENCE id+ | HOW SOUND FALLS or RHYTHM | CADERA id+ | sp for HIP JOINT | see> COXA id+ | FALLING is induced by a FAILING HIP | CADERE id+ | THE FATE OF ALL MORTALS IS FATAL | id+ | HUMANS ARE CADUCARY | id+ | HUMANS BECOME CADAVERS | note etymology pointing to MORTAL FALL TEMPORARY note given here is a NARROW VIEW FOCUSED ON THE CADUCEUS OF MERCURY or HERMES to the exclusion of AESCULAPIUS see> STAFF note HERMES or MERCURY in his role as PSYCHOPOMPOS or WHO GUIDES THE SOULS OF THE DEAD TO THE UNDERWORLD see> HERMES note etymology pointing to FALL and WALKING thus TEMPORARY MORTAL PASSING eng CADUCEUS = HERALD or WALKING STICK or STAFF gr KARYKEION or KARYKEION or KARUKEION KARUX HERALD skrt KARY SINGER for ANNOUNCER lat EX CADERE TO FALL UPON NO HEIRS CADERE TO FALL sug> DECADENT CADE TO FALL CADERE same sp CADERA HIP CAER TO FALL incl FALL ASLEEP sp CADUCO ELAPSED EXPIRED OUTDATED FALLEN DECEASED OBSOLETE eng CADUCEUS WALKING STICK STAFF STAFFING or WALKING PERSONNEL CADUCARY TEMPORARY or PRONE TO FALL lat COXA HIP JOINT med> CORPSE CADAVER CARCASS eng CORPS GROUP or BODY OF PEOPLE ukr KAT EXECUTIONER KATHORHA TORTURE eng CATACOMB PLACE FOR THE FALLEN CATACLYSM CALAMITY lat CADUCARIUS WITHOUT SUPPORT WITHOUT MASTER sp CADENZA CADENCE ukr KADYLO or CADYLO INCENSE BURNING METAL CONTAINER ply> | PRIESTS CHANT IN CADENCE WITH A note similar ideas in ukr PAD FALL SPATY SLEEP SLUMBER LANGUOR ENNUI PADAI TO FALL SLUMP SPAD SLID SLIDE FALL FAILURE COLLAPSE SPATY SLEEP LANGUOR ENNUI DOZE PADATY TO FALL note AMBULATORY DREAMS eng SOMNOLENT SLEEPY sp SONABULO SLEEP WALKER ukr SON DREAM eng INSOMNIA SLEEPLESS or sp SOPOR SOMNOLENT as in sug> SOPORIFIC ukr NARCOSA ANESTHETIC eng NARCOTIC SLEEP INDUCER sug> NARCOLEPSY hx> EMBLEM OF POWER med> STAFF or WALKING STICK is also a MEDICAL EMBLEM given under see> STAFF note contrast between MEDICAL STAFF as a PLAIN "STICK" BRANCH or ROD SPORTING A SINGLE VIPER OR SNAKE in contrast to THE ELABORATE ELEGANT CADUCEUS or BATON of MERCURY or HERMES THAT SPORTS WINGS RIBBONS and SUPPORTS TWO SNAKES SEEKING TO IMBIBE FROM A SINGLE CUP note WINGS AND RIBBONS are EMBLEMS OF COMMERCE note an introductory interpretation follows CADUCARY CADUCEUS represents ancient beliefs in magic sticks and later in medicine as one way to alleviate the ephemeral, fleeting and mortal human existence. The core belief in such "magic sticks" relates sleep and DREAMS with CURES. Religious enthusiasts considered their dreams as divine revelations or even miracles. Artists may fine their dreams as inspiring revelations. In Egyptian, Greek and Roman MYTHOLOGY, it was ISIS and HERMES or MERCURY who induced sleep to deliver godly messages to mortals. The WINGED CADUCEUS of Hermes is represented with TWO SNAKES as if to stress the DUALITY OF KNOWLEDGE and its rapid silent spreading. The CROWNING CUP on the caduceus represents CONFLUENCE of OPPOSITES or POWER needed for HEALING. The flowing WHITE RIBBONS call for respect for godly healing messages and to the present, the WHITE FLAG remains an emblem of PEACE note: SNAKES were chosen as emblems of REJUVENATING WISDOM because they shed their skin and are silent. New knowledge rejuvenates by SHEDDING IGNORANCE as do snakes who rejuvenate their skin. Furthermore, snakes are silent and the ancients believed that SILENCE was almost equivalent to WISDOM. The mercurial caduceus has two snakes as if to suggest the contradictory nature of knowledge. The Aesculapian or medical caduceus has one snake, perhaps to emphasize that mortals are limited. The medical staff or caduceus also lacks wings, which may denote that medical knowledge impacts mortals rather slowly. note: John MILTON [#] called the medical caduceus "THE OPIATE ROD " to underscore the curative value of sleep and dreams induced by Morpheus or MORPHINE. In fact the ancients equated sleep with healing and beauty. The same idea is conveyed by the expression "BEAUTY SLEEP" implying a "REST CURE". Such cures are avaible in establishments, which in Europe are called Sanatoria or "curords" where people seek restorative health regimes. To say "to fall asleep" or "DEAD ASLEEP" is consonant with ideas inherent in CADUCEUS and CADUCO (fallen) and the attributes of MORPHEUS (the dream shaper), the twins HYPNOS (reversible sleep) and THANATOS irreversible sleep. It is indisputable that millions of persons use HYPNOtics to "fall asleep" and some who do so in excess fall in the lethal hands of THANATOS. Perhaps modern clinicians should ponder the value "medical staff rounds" implicit in the AESCULAPIAN CADUCEUS as the vehicle to learn and accrue clinical experiences. note routine notes and comments resume below myth> HERMES WAS GIVEN THE CADUCEUS BY APOLLO once in ARCADIA HERMES NOTED TWO SERPENTS BITING EACH OTHER AND WHEN HE THREW THE STICK BETWEEN THEM THEY BECAME RECONCILED ... implying that the VENOM OF WAR can be prevented by PEACEFUL DIPLOMATIC DISCOURSE ... perhaps the anticipation of DIALECTICS myth> HERMES AS PSCYCHOPOMPOS CONDUCTED THE SOULS OF THE DEAD TOWARD THE UNDERWORLD CALMED THEM WITH THE HELP MORPHEUS HYPNOS AND THANATOS note IRREVERSIBLE SLEEP as per "PUT TO SLEEP" EUPHEMISM FOR EUTHANASIA note THE RANGE OF SYMBOLIC MEANINGS OF SNAKES IS VAST and is given elsewhere see> SNAKE SNAKES SHED THEIR SKIN pointing to REJUVENATION are SILENT pointing to WISDOM and PRUDENCE LACK HAIR NAILS and EXTERNAL GENITALIA pointing to SATANIC DEVILISH EVIL myth> CONFUSION OF THE STAFF OF HERMES or CADUCEUS with that of THE STAFF OF AESCULAPIUS may relate to ORIENTAL MAGIC HEALING STICKS OFTEN DECORATED WITH RIBBONS WINGS AND TWO INTERTWINED SNAKES note IDEAS OF HEALING BECAME INTERTWINED WITH SLEEP as RESTORATIVE of HEALTH and therefore with SLUMBER STUPOR LETHARGY LANGUOR REST INERTIA CALM LASSITUDE perhaps INDUCED BY OPIATES sug> OPIUM hx> MANY ANCIENT HERALDS HAD A CADUCEUS or STAFF WHICH WAS DECORATED BY ENTWINED WINGED SERPENTS art> LATE ROMAN AND GREEK ARTISTS ADDED WINGS TO THE TIP OF THE CADUCEUS or STAFF TO DENOTE THAT KNOWLEDGE PERMEATES EVERYTHING SILENTLY AND WITH MERCURIAL SPEED THE PROPERTY OF THE SILENT SPEEDY MESSENGER GOD HERMES lit+ the CADUCEUS was called by John MILTON [#] " THE OPIATE ROD " sug> NARCOTIC DOPE hx> med> some sources assert during the DARK AGES THAT OBSCURED WESTERN EUROPE MEDICINE WAS EXPLOITED BY CHARLATANS THEOLOGIANS AND PEDDLERS OF INCANTATIONS TALISMANS MAGIC LOVE POTIONS and other CONCOCTIONS MADE FROM FORMULATIONS KEPT AS "HERMETIC" SECRET FORMULARIES THE PROTO PHARMACISTS ADOPTED HERMES AS THEIR PROTECTOR and his CADUCEUS AS THEIR EMBLEM note TO THE PRESENT PHARMACISTS HOSPITALS HEALTH SERVICES CORPORATIONS and the USA ARMED FORCES USE THE CADUCEUS OF MERCURY AS THEIR EMBLEM art> mus> CADENCE in MUSIC may imply RHYTHM MUSICAL ENDING PASSAGES also UNDULATION see> ONDA UNDULATION UNDULATION thus PROPORTION or INFLECTION or MANNER cont> see> STAFF see> AESCULAPIUS sug> HERMES sug> MERCURY sug> HERMAPHRODITE 20210315 ww |