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Chauvin Chauvinism
~ CHAUVIN Nicolas CHAUVIN a badly wounded soldier blindly devoted to NAPOLEON I of Napoleon BONAPARTE who became well known as an extreme "BONAPARTIST" a form of PARTISNASHIP and now permeates most languages as an EPONYM ~ CHAUVINISM extreme NATIONALISM which is explored under see> RACISM hx> a very recent example of chauvinism are the Russians who support President V. Putin pretense that Russians have the "natural" right to impose their will those among whom are included "ethnic" Russians regardless if they represent a minority of the population In March 2014 Russian forces invaded Ukraine to "protect" the "language and culture" of "ethnic Russians" Such widely held beliefs among "great Russians" have overtones of racism and their believe that "little Russians" as Russian call Ukrainians from whom they expect loyalty and submissiveness in contrast, invading Russians do not express any interest in the human rights of Crimean Tatars. 20140228 ww |