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~ PAGUS id+ ATTCHEMENT and by extension BONDING HOMESTEAD id+ PAISAJES RURALRES SON PACIFICOS COUNTRY LANDSCAPES ARE PEACEFUL myth> PAGANALIA rural festivities to honor CERES = the goddess of CEREALS lat PAGUS VILLAGE PAGANUS VILLAGER PEASANT sp APEGADO ATTACHED PAGA PAYMENT PAGARE PROMISORY NOTE or BOND PAGO RURAL DISTRICT note in CASTELLANO (proto-Spanish) PAGES PEASANT which evolved toward sp PAIS COUNTRY and perhaps a NATION PAISANO PEASANT and COUNTRY-MAN as per CO-NATIONALITY PAISAJE LANDSCAPE and ultimately points to PAZ PEACE as well a PIECE OF LAND PACIFICO PEACEFUL por PAGAO NOT BABTIZED hx> PAGAN RURAL POPULATIONS RESISTED CHRISTIANITY eng NON BELIEVER ukr POHAN same POHANYJ BAD PERSON id+ PAGAN INFIDEL thus UNFAITHFUL biol> PAGUS and in med> POINT OF ATTACHMENT of CONJOINED TWINS thoracoPAGUS cephaloPAGUS lit+ an Argentine aphorism inspired Jose Hernandez (1834-1886) to write a ballad included in his epic "Martin Fierro" an observation on "pago" a notion of attachment, homestead, turf, village ... "No andes cambiando de cueva hace las que hace el raton conservate en el rincon vaca que cambia querencia atrasa su paricion" (do not change your "pago" - do like the mouse does - stay in your cave - a cow that changes pasture - delays the parturition) med> there is growing evidence that maternal stress can have strong negative impacts on fetal development - note that primates in captivity tend to become sterile or suffer from recurrent abortions 20150621 - 20131119 ww |