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~ OWL id+ HOWL echoic word fr HOWLET pointing toward eng HOODLE to make a sound like an owl HOOTERS vulgar for attention calling breasts HOOT as per HOODLE lat BUBO a rare term for OWL sp BUHO same ukr SOVA same SOVIST or conscience SOVIET or ADVICE id+ the OWL is an EMBLEM of FORESIGHT AWARENESS and WISDOM note the above are mitative terms from lat ULULARE ULULATUM ULULATE biol> solitary CARNIVOROUS and mostly nocturnal bird of pray with superior night vision the feathers at the edge of the wings are SERRATED which renders the flight silent sug> sp CARNE for flesh and CARNIVOROUS sug> sp SIERRA for saw and SERRATED myth> EMBLEM REPRESENTING ATHENA and implying fore-sight and in-sight expressed as wisdom, perspicacity and prudence hx> as an emblem the owl is found virtually in all cultures in Kenya is is seen as a harbinger of death among the MAYA and AZTECS it represented death even today the saying "Cuando el TELECOTE canta - el Indio muere" in Mesopotamia it stood for destruction among Arabs it is a bad omen Hinduism holds that it is the VAHANA (vehicle or mount) of the Goddess LAKSHMI among ANCIENT GREEKS it stood for ATHENA VIRGIL and OVID present the owl as an evil omen on the other hand coats of arms of QUEBEC ALBERTA MANITOBA LEEDS sport owls |