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~ PERTUSSIS id+ | WHOOPING COUGH | id+ | CONVULSIVE COUGH | id+ | TOS CONVULSA in sp | id+ | PAROXYSMAL COUGHING DISEASE | id+ | HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS BACTERIAL BRONCHITIS | etym> the concepts in PER TUSSIS imply SPASMODIC or PAROXYSMAL COUGHING ATTACKS with an uninterrupted sequence of a series of CONVULSIVE EXPULSIONS OF LUNG AIR as if CHOKING without INSPIRATION often causing CYANOSIS followed by a VIOLENT INSPIRATION OF AIR generating a WHOOPING SOUND note works on etym are SILENT regarding COUGH per se including the OXFORD ENGL DICT sp TOS = COUGH fr TOUX same eng TUSSIVE pertaining to COUGH it TOSSE COUGH lat TUS same TUSSIO same TUSSIS same note perhaps TOS TOSS are LINKED old ger STOZAN or STAUTAN TO PUSH pointing to eng TOSS for RISE FALL SWING HEAVE SCATTER THROW which are noted during COUGHING med> PERTUSSIS or WHOOPING COUGH med> INFECTIOUS HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS RESPIRATORY DISEASE cause of EPIDEMICS particularly among CHILDREN caused by BORDETELLA PERTUSSIS med> THE MORTALITY AMONG INFANTS IS SIGNIFICANT hx> named after Jules BORDET [#] who with Octave GENGOU [#] isolated the microbe B PERTUSSIS VACCINES CAUSE GRAVE DEBATES REGARDING ITS SAFETY currently PERTUSSIS IMMUNIZATIONS are in use the disease has an incubation period of about 2 weeks patients develop RHINITIS and DRY COUGH followed by a PAROXYSMAL COUGHING STAGE OF THREE OR MORE WEEKS and a rather LONG CONVALESCENCE see> TOSS |