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(medical extract) ~ DYSMORPHOLOGY id+ | U.S. expression for the STUDY OF CONGENITAL ANOMALIES WITH AN EMPHASIS ON SHAPE or MORPHOLOGY | note DYSMORPHOLOGY as a discipline was promoted by David W SMITH M.D. [#] and his FOLLOWERS the stress is on the VISUAL RECOGNITION of MAJOR and MINOR STRUCTURAL ANOMALIES as well as what statistically can be called "variations" defined as morphologic features "normal" thus 5% or more frequent in q particular population one alternative to avoid labels MAJOR MINOR or VARIANT is to IGNORE SUCH NUANCES AND INSTEAD FOCUS IF SUCH FEATURES HAVE INFORMATIVE VALUE med> DISTORTIONS OF SHAPE or MORPHOLOGY SYMMETRY and other features can suggest CAUSES or ETIOLOGY MECHANISMS of EXPRESSION or PATHOGENESIS and DIAGNOSIS thus PROGNOSIS and PREVENTION of RECURRENCE cont> see> SYNDROME 20170128 ww |