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Furfur Furfura Furfuraceous FURFURACEOS CRETIN
~ FURFUR id+ | BRAN LIKE SCALES or FLAKES | ~ FURFURA id+ | in med> SKIN DESQUAMATION | ~ FURFURACEOUS id+ | COVERED WITH FLAKY SCALES | ~ FURFURACEOUS CRETINISM or FURFURACEOUS IDIOCY MONGOLISM DOWN syndrome TRISOMY 21 syndrome id+ | the dissapAereance of the eponym FURFURATEOUS CRETIN illustrates the PATRIOTIC and IDEOLOGICAL nature of MEDICAL EPONYMS | etym> idea of CURSH SCALE SCRUF lat FURFUROSUS = FULL OF BRAN hx> FURFURACEOUS CRETINISM if it had become popular would render credit to the extensive studies by Eduard C. SEGUIN M.D. [#] (1812-1881) and his promotion of charitable ideas toward "idiots" found among his many contributions such as "Hygiene and Education of Idiots" of 1843 SEGUIN recognized the existence of sub-categories of "cretins" among whom skin desquamation and other ectodermal anomalies were prevalent in a particular group now called DOWN syndrome this eponym replaced the eponym MONGOLISM advocated by British experts at the time when "social Darwinism" was popular and ideas concerning "race" stimulated ideas inherent in social "eugenics" in 1866 John Langdon DOWN M.D. (1828 - 1896) in his "Observations on the Ethnic Classification of Idiots" used the term MONGOLISM and concurrently wrote on "Marriages of consanguinity in relation to degeneration of race" found in London Hosp. Clin. Lect. Rep., 1866, 3:224-36 KALMUC IDIOCY was another eponym proposed in 1876 by Mitchel and Fraser another gentler alternative was ACROMICRIA reflectiong obvious clinical signs failed the "popularity test" although "MONGOLOID" individuals have charateristically small or short ACRO or distal structures reflected in small or short noses, ears, neck, stature, limbs and digits note the debate about subcategories of "idiots" and "cretins" did not abate until the 1959 discovery by L. LEJEUNE of the association of "MONGOLISM" with trisomy of chromosome 21 by 1991 the term DOWN syndrome was nearly universally endorsed by experts in Clinical Genetics cont> sug> CRETIN sug> IDIOT |