Cell Celom Coelom Cele Omphalocele Celestial
Omphalon Umbillicus
Yoga and the master yoga represented by SHIVA convey synthetic views of the mystery of "energy engendering individual forms of life". Traditions hold that Yoga was a philosopher of the 7th century B.C. who established principles to grasp how "the mind works". The "yoga" practice seeks a total mental and physical discipline or Nirvana to isolate the mind from material and psychic stimuli so that it can concentrate on achieving communion or unity with its creator or the supreme deity.
Some would say that originally, yoga had to do with a method or discipline developed by sages or yogi to reach a mental state "by which the mind knows". Later, yoga became a philosophy seeking "the ultimate synthesis" to help human creatures to reach for their creator. Put in another way, yoga is a discipline that may help a seeker to become "yoked" or linked with the "supreme spirit".
LINGA SHIVA is one representation of Shiva, represented as an erect penis or Linga filled with unspent seed. The Lord or YOGIS controls or YOKES the appetites for YONI (vulva). Traditions hold that the many children of Shiva were generated without seed or sperm, thus represent examples of immaculate conceptions.
Shiva, the MASTER YOGI and Lord of the "timeless dance of life" stands for the cirlce of "Life-Death" or "creation-destruction" depicted as a dance within a ring of fire while crushing ignorance (represented by a dwarf underfoot) and beating a drum (the rythm of life cycles) while with multiple hands (destinies) may sooth or harm the mortals.
A more mundane and medical landspcape arises from CELOM or COELOMA and related ideas in cavities and spaces like a CELL, CELOZOID, CENOBIUM and CELESTIAL. It is tempting to hope that monasteries with cenobia for celibates fostered celestial inspirations. Perhaps a more realistic panorama, as painted by fine artists, links cenobia with orgies, at least those who let celibate monks feed their celomic cavities to an excess and acquire large abdominal bags of abducted foods.
===== P.S. It was Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferreti, as Pope Pius IX, who rejected the emerging labor movements and rebelions against raw capitlaism. He decreed the immaculate conception of Jesus, a matter of faith without much consultation with Bishops, as it is customary in matters of dogma. Being strong headed, he resented the rejection by Mexico of Maximilian as their Emperor imposed by the Vatican and France. In revenge, Pius IX excommunicated all Mexicans who dared to uphold their adopted constitution. After the 1870 defeat of Napoleon III by Bismark, the protection of the Vatican by French troops eneded forcing Pius IX to surrender his temporal powers to the nascent Italian Republic. His reaction was to declare that the Papacy (he) was infallible in matters of Church. Only after Benito Mussolini restored the Papacy, Popes were freed and could roam the world. Since then, the Vatican managed to become the only autocratic religious organization to be represented in the United Nations.
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