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Imbibing Babies Loose their Brains

PLEASE NOTE: The subject of imbibing alcohol is vast - another overview is "ALCOHOL LIBATION LIBERATE LIBERTINE ARDOR"

PLEASE ALSO NOTE three related videos: the 1st is a synthesis of a poem, a choir, an orchestra - arranged as music by Carl Orff and combined with images by classic painters - presented in the format a carousel of notions underscoring the global challenge of alcoholism and its "asymmetric" consequences - women and their children often have to confront alone the tragedy implicit in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders; the path of alcohol to alcoholism and teratogenesis is through induction of SLEEP and its NARCOTIC nature, two subjects confronted by companion videos.

It is self-evident that humans must swallow FOOD, DRINKS, and on occasion MEDICATIONS. This overview is concerned with the cluster of ideas inherent in BABY, SWALLOW, DRINK, LIQUOR, and ALCOHOL.

In Spanish BEBE, BEBER, and BEBIDA denote BABY, to DRINK, and BEVErage. Babies drink MILk, or MOLoko in Ukrainian, which is an eMULsion of fatty droplets suspended in a SERum. From milk we get SYR and SYRij or CHEESE and RAW in Ukrainian.
Zeus is from the land of "milk and honey".
Beyond childhood, humans continue to imBIBE and many develop a penchant for addictive BEVErages, particularly those with ALCOHOL and CAFFEINE.

Drinking, nibbling and kissing are persistent human habits.
In ancient times, access to potable water was a mark of civilization. After the fall of Rome, access to potable water declined along with civil life in general. Water ceased to be potable and became a source of epidemic disorders. Today, an increasing number of people pay for bottled water to avoid drinking industrial pollutants. The former awareness of unsafe water may be at the root of the ideas in BEERor PYVO, PYTY and PIBATY, which in Ukrainian and Sanskrit mean DRINK. Likewise, BIRRA, BEER in Italian, point to BEBE and BIBERE for DRINK, BABY, BIB and IMBIBE.

The ideas in WINE evoke ideas of good food and company. In this sense, VINO, VINCULUM, and VIGNETTE link ideas of wine with gathering, relationship, and sharing stories - elements promoted during SYMPOSIA. It is pertinent to note that the ancients diluted wine with water to enjoy flavors while minimizing the intoxicating effects of the alcohol.

Passages from "Carmina Burana", by Carl Orff stress that all sorts of people like to BIBUlate or BIBIT in Latin.
" ...
BIBIT CLERUS      drinks the clergy
BIBIT ALBUS       drinks the white man
BIBIT NIGER          ... the black man
BIBIT RUDIS              the rude ignoramus
BIBIT MAGUS              the learned
BIBIT PRESUL             the Bishop
ET DECANUS               the Deacon
BIBIT MATER              the mother
BIBIT ISTA               all women
BIBIT BIBIT ILLE         all mankind)

The industrial revolution, rooted in "northern" European cultures, introduced and marketed "hard" liquors like GIN, WHISKEY, BOURBON, and VODKA. The target was mostly the working class. The marketing of alcohol continues to be highly profitable, while the cost and burdens related to alcoholism and children with alcohol related developmental disabilities continue to be born by the victims and the public. One thing is "freedom of trade", but public promotion of a dangerous substance, including to children, is another.

Inebriated bibulating drunks
Alcoholics DRINK to become DRUNK or IMBIBE to become INEBRIATED. Perhaps, alcoholics seek EBRIETY to find relief from their SOBRIETY (to be SOBER implies to possess self SOVEREIGNTY). Also, perhaps this is one reason why not only the destitute but also the rich and powerful may find in alcohol an escape from sovereign realities.

Spreading alcoholism provoked a reaction and prompted some believers to impose their views with great zeal. In the USA, "Prohibition" banned "hard" liquors, as well as beer and wine. The international TEMPerance movement (consciously or not) advocated the idea that control of human TEMPer was akin to controlling the TEMPerature of emotions. In fact, alcohol abuse can cause TEMPoral emotional TEMPests, which are behavioral TEMPlates incompatible with standards upheld by civil societies.

Many TEMPerance advocates had roots in "northern" European cultures, where the exposure to enology or wines was limited. In contrast, people living in warmer climates and cultures, where grapes grow, always considered wine as a component of a healthy diet. TEMPerance movements in "southern" European cultures failed to degrade and demote wine and beer.

Excess of alcohol disturbs temper and promotes incontinence
Most people believe that EBRIETY is a TEMPorary indisposition. Unfortunately, fewer people are aware, even today, that alcohol is a TERATOGEN, the name given to substances that cause birth defects. EBRIETY, despite its cause from an excess of beer, wine, or hard liquors, can inflict PERMANENT damage to the UNBORN or FETUS. A pregnant woman may become TEMPorarily drunk but her fetus may remain DRUNK FOR LIFE. Alcohol can damage fetal development and result in the FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME. For this reason, alcoholic beverages sold in the USA carry a warning label  " ... may cause birth defects".

The unborn and children exposed to alcohol have damaged brains
Lastly, swallow implies input by mouth. The opposite is VOMITING or EMESIS as in EMERITUS, which denote forms of rejection.

Wines in excess are nauseating

Wines in good measure enhance taste
The left column offers links to notes and comments about word-ideas related to this and other overviews, concerned with SWALLOW, SOLID, FOOD, FLUID, SOUP, DRINK, NURSING, TONGUE, MOUTH, JAW or MANDIBLE, THROAT, ESOPHAGUS, STOMACH, ABDOMEN or GUT or bellies, such as those related to OBESITY and PREGNANCY.

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