

Apollo Caedare


Cesarean section is known throughout ancient history (China, India, Egypt, Greece, ..., Rome). Generally, caedare, Latin for to cut, was restricted to dead or clearly dying women to save their in-utero child. In essence, a post-mortem surgery. For esthetic reasons, the notion that this procedure was surgical was replaced by the term "section".

Mythology represents the "section" as an operation performed by Asclepius (Aesclepius or Esclapio) to deliver Apollo from his mother Coronis (see images). A tale (fairytale) asserted that Julius Caesar was born by C-section, an example of credulity and ignorance during the European dark ages. Later it became "fashionable" to perform C-sections as a fashion. 

In medical ethics perspective, "success" of C-section represented confusing notions - success to save the life of a dead or dying woman because the operation was lethal for mothers or alternatively success could mean saving the life of the woman irrespective of the fetus. The frequency of C-sections worldwide of nearly 10% in the US is above 30% - to what extent the twenty extra percents are performed for "convenience" reasons?

C-sections (click on the images to see why and who). Also consider that if Julius Caeser was born by C-section and his mother lived to old age, and that his mother was not his mother, since C-sections during Roman times were highly lethal