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Amelia Tetraphocomelia Camptomelia Acromelia Thalidomide

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LIMB and LIMP are concepts pointing toward MEMBER and LIMB or EXTREMITY. Provocatively, MEMBER in Ukrainian refers to PENIS, and in a broader sense, MIND and in particular MEMORY and as well to MEMBRANE like the MENINGE. Here, most of the focus is on LIMB as an APPENDIX or EXTREMITY of the body.  
Lower Limbs often end in a Clubfoot
Some definitions stress that limbs are "paired appendages for locomotion" but in other tongues, the concept includes LIMP:appendices like at times is a PENDANT PENIS or are PENSIVE persons. Limb also opens vistas toward LIMBER, agile, LAX, LUMBER, LUMBERING, LAME and hobble. An upper limb or ARM opens vistas toward landscapes illuminating concepts shared with ARMS, ARMA-MENT-ARIUM or ARMORIES. Worth noting is HARM-MOS in Greek which rhymes  with HARM ane ARMAMENT. Regarding the lower LIMB or LEG or in Latin "PERna", it rhymes with PERSON and in Spanish is PIERNA - in the case when the idea is to include the THIGH and BUTTOCKS, the term is PERNIL.  
Amelia or distal hypoplasia of limbs.
LIMBS, in animals are seen as body EXTREMITIES and as in the case of TREE LIMBS, they may be TRIMMED, PRUNED and AMPUTATED. In a social sense, those in power are known to prune and DISMEMBER weaker enemies.  
Thalidomide induced tetraphocomelia
Limbs can be MALFORMED due to flaws in genes or impacts by the TERATOGENS (environmental factors causing malformations). Limbs can also be DEFORMED by prenatal mechanical factors (mainly compression or vascular accidents). A "club like" foot (CLUBFOOT) is a relative common "birth anomaly" and for the most part, easily re-mediated if treated early  - this anomaly should no longer be a cause of disability, but it is. There are other limb malformations or "xxx melias". For example, AMELIA denotes the "lack" of a limb. Some five decades ago, there was a global shock when it was realized that a drug called Thalidomide was the cause of thousands of children with PHOCOMELIA (shortened "seal like" limbs), AMELIA and other serious malformations were dying of facing life-long disabilities whose mothers were prescribed this drug. Since then, all pharmaceuticals entering the marked are tested for "safety for the unborn". However, the adult world has decided (perhaps because a fetus does not vote nor can scream when hurt) that Thalidomide should be back "in the market" once again - there is a birsk demand for the drug, mainly because it ameliorates the suffering of patients with incurable diseases like AIDS. One consequence is that new instances of THALIDOMIDE EMBRYOPATHY are being recorded where Thalidomide is "re-marketed". 
Short Limbs
Finally, shorter arms and legs are characteristic of DWARFS and MIDGETS (both terms are considered by many to be offensive - unfortunately the public has not found alternatives that gained wide acceptance). Dwarf implies disproportional short limbs as seen in patients with ACHONDROPLASIA. Midget, on the other hand, implies proportional reduction of size of all body parts. 
