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Good restaurants should provide for restoration of mind and body. 
This overview deals with SWALLOW while other overviews explore ideas in FOOD, DRINK, ALCOHOL and SWALLOWing. The consequences of excessive DEGLUTition is explored in overviews dedicated to ABDomens that ABDuct calories and feed Obesity that will OBstruct good health. These themes require more than words - thus we rely on a gallery of outstanding pictures.
Manna - Divine Food. 
Opposite of Swallowing - Emesis.
Animals sWALLOW mostly FOOD and DRINK while humans also swallow LIQuids like LIQuors and when sick, MEDICINE. Those who sWALLOW to much alcohol may WALLOW and become pigish.
Food and Drink can sedate or stimulate. 
Experts say that SWALLOW has two meanings - to EAT implying "intake per mouth" or refer to a charming bird that can SWALLOW insects while in flight (Swallows can fly in darting motions similar to those of insects).
Food is shared among species. 
DeGLUTIR in Spanish is to and points toward GLOssy GLOssa or tongue. The "glossa" is essential for swallowing. Those who deGLUt excessively may be called GLUTtons.
Gluttons can experience  nausea and vomit. 
Mammals start independent life by sucking and swallowing maternal MILK or other LACTIC or GALACTIC products. Sucking or MAMar in Spanish belongs to a complex of words like MAMmal, MATernity, MOTher and so on.
Nipples for Nibbling.
Young MAMMALS NIBBle the NIPPle while adults SIP at SUPPER or when SIPping a SOUP when Supping. Now is also common to rely on POTions and POTables kept in POTs.
Humans are gluttons.
Hospitality is to welcome others with Food. 
The left column offers a large array of links to explanatory notes and comments about word-ideas related to SOLID FOOD and FLUID NUTRIENTS, DRINKS, LIQUORS, ALCOHOL and topics like NURSING, TONGUE, MOUTH, JAW or MANDIBLE, THROAT, ESOPHAGUS, STOMACH, ABDOMEN or GUT and enlarged bellies related to OBESITY and PREGNANCY.
Social welfare programs are not new. 
20101211 updated 20131118 ww