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(details from "Die Erfindung des korinthischen Kapitells durch Kallimachos"), 1846 Johann Christian Reinhart (1761 - 1847) Neue Pinakothek, Munich, Bavaria, Germany
The notion of Callimachus represented by Christian Reinhart conveys an emphasis on the Corinthian order of Greek and Roman architecture. The two other orders are the Ionic and Doric. The capitals of Corinthian style columns are decorated by acanthus leaves and scrolls illustrated in this painting.
Kallimakos (320-240 BC) is a native of Cyrene in Libya. He was a poet and a scholar at the Library of Alexandira. He is considered the inventor of the Corinthian style column, a notion popularized by Vitruvius.
IDEA > IMAGE > WORDS - Callimachus, corinthian, architecture, columns, capitol, leaves, acantus, Cyrene, Libya, Alexandria, ...