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"Kronprinz Ludwig in der spanischen Weinschenke zu Rom" (see related A | B), 1824 Franz Ludwig Catel (1778-1856) Neue Pinakothek, Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Prince Ludwig of Bavaria, in 1824, commissioned this painting lf a convivial scene in a Spanish bodega of a congregation of art lovers and friends of the Crown Prince - on the left is the sculptor Thron Waldsen, standing with the top hat is the painter Philipp Veit (1793-1877), standing without a hat and holding a glass is the personal physician of Ludwig ... among others are the painters Franz Ludwig Catel who painted the present composition, and Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (1794-1865). Through the open door is visible the Aventine hill in Rome.
IDEA > IMAGE > WORDS - Ludwig, prince, Bavaria, bodega, Rome, scene, scenario, convivial, wine, painters, artists, German, parlance, sculptor, glass, physician, Aventine, hill