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From Syrinx and Love to Syringe and Medicine
"Pan and Syrinx" Gerard Hoet (1648-1733) Dulwich Art Gallery, Dulwich, England
Everytime someone uses a syringe, such act is a reminder of Syrinx pursued by Pan. Syrinx was a nymph known for her chastity. It is strange in a way that her name resonates particularly in medical overtones - Syrinx implies cavity as in syringomelia (cavity in the spinal cord) and other composite medical terms. She methamorphosed into a hallow water read to escape Pan. Frustrated and to remember her he cut the reeds and crafted the Pan - pipe and ever since, orchestras remind us of the love of Pan for Syrinx. Apollo experienced the same frustration when Daphne rejected his love and chose to become the laurel tree. Apollo chose laurel crowns to denote his immortal love but mortals honor as Nobel Laureates endeavors of all sorts but not for love.
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