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"Maps 17th-18th c. Eastern Europe (Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Crimea, Moscovy)"
For high resolution versions of these maps contact the web-master (see main footer below). These maps illustrate historic names currently "Russified" after 3 centuries of "Russification" efforts by Moscow-centered autocracies. Instead of "Russia", these maps show "Moscovy". After the defeat of Sweden by czar Peter the "Great", Moscovy was renamed as "Russia" and the fantasy of an "Empire of all Russians" renamed as USSR and now as a Russian "Federation" has been promoted by Moscow-centered rulers. Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania recovered their independence after the collapse of the USSR. Ukraine (the official Russian epithet was "Little Russia") declared its independence in 1991. The current Moscow-centered autocracy is making inroads to destroy and absorb Ukraine into its "Federation". This task is facilitated by millions of "ethnic Russians" colonists transplanted to Ukraine to replace native Ukrainians deported to Siberia over the centuries by Czarist and Bolshevik authorities.
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