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"The Garden of Delights (Detail)" (details from "Garden of Heavenly Delights "), 1500 Hieronimus van Aeken (known as Bosco or Bosch ) (1450 - 1516) El Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain
DIARRHEA - shown is an individual with explosive loud (sonorous) flatulence (flato is fart in Spanish) and "black diarrhea" or "runs" of the bowel. Flato points to "inflate", a frequent companion symptom of flatulence and diarrhea. "Black" diarrhea or stools is a sign of the presence of iron or blood in the feces - a sign of a potentially serious disorder. Continued: key words = diarrhea (diabetes), melena (melanin), flatulence ...
Bosco belonged to deeply spiritually ascetic movements: "The Brotherhood of Our Lady" and "The Brethren of the Common Life". "Lutheranism" and "Calvinism" were about to explode over Europe. Bosch lived in the "Low Countries", where the notorious merchant and puritanical social class strived to reconcile their high level of "mercenary" "commercialism" with the "low" morality of their enthusiastic promotion of the slave trade - a notable paradox. Such ideas taint the depiction of human ambitions, temptations, pleasures, and other ways that pave the way of mortals to Hell. Continued - see the core (overall) image for further comments.
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