Our websites offer information mostly for educational purposes with no intent to alter health care protocols nor to serve as a sole source of medical information.
Always seek the advice of your local health care provider.
"Le Satyre et le Paysan (Satyr and the Farmer or Boer)" (see details) Jacob Jordaens (1593-1678) Royal Museums of Art, Brussels, Belgium
Our attention is focused on the infant with the large tongue (see detailed image). In addition, the depicted farmer is "blowing" air, an English term with few synonyms. The cheeks of this farmer are inflated as he blows air to cool the soup. It is best to contract the buccinator muscle to bring the cheeks against the teeth, this making "blowing" more effective as when whistling or inflating a balloon. More fundamental is "nursing" or "amamantar" in Spanish - the contraction of the buccinator, which is essential for infants to be able to "suck".
Congenital buccinator paralysis - contracture results in a characteristic "facies" - puckered lips - recognizable as the "whistling face or Freeman Sheldon syndrome" (more in our companion web-site "Clinical Eye Openers").
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