Our websites offer information mostly for educational purposes with no intent to alter health care protocols nor to serve as a sole source of medical information.
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"Kaiser Karl V - or Carlos I of Spain" (see details) (see related A), 1532 Christoph Amberger (1500-1561) Gemaldegalerie, Berlin, Germany
Habsburg jaw or overgrowth of the jaw (mandible) causing prognathism, underbite, concurrent d-face (maxilla) underdevelopment, prominent lower lip, concurrent large prominent nose and often unusual external ear (auricle) morphology or dysmorphism, and often subtle eversion of the outer half of lower eyelid (ectropion). These facial features concurrently represent a "Habsburg facies" or "Habsburg jaw" - we refer to such instances as H+. The H+ trait or syndrome is virtually always inherited from an H+ parent of either sex. In this instance, there is a mystery - who is Carlos I H+? His mother Juana "la Loca" and his father Felipe "el Hermoso" were both H- - who is Carlos? - He is H+ but from whom did he get the H+ mutation?
More about "the mystery" of Carlos I or Chalres V is posted as "A Real Game of Thrones" in "Clinical Eye Openers".
See the "related" image for links to numerous other Habsburg family members.
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