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An unrelated member of the Hapsburg clan (by marriage) who as expected does NOT have facial signs of the H+ gene mutation.
"Isabela or Elizabeth de Valois (1545-1568) " (see related A | B | C) Sofonisba Anguissola El Prado Museum , Madrid, Spain
Isabella was the daughter of Henri II of France and Catharine of Medici and became the wife of Felipe II of Spain. She does not demonstrate signs of H+ (Habsburg facies). This portrait is by a female artist, Sofonisba Anguissola who was the painter of the Reina Isabela and Rey Felipe II and illustrates well outlined lips (vermillion) and Cupids bow, as well as a well defined upper lip philtrum. PLEASE NOTE companion videos - "Game of thrones - Bastards - Emperors - Genes". Please also see companion images which contain many other comments. One central question is "who is the real father of the Emperor Carlos I or Charles V.
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