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Future emperor of Spain flanked by two relatives.
"Sons of Maximilian I - in the center, Charles V of Austria or Carlos I of Spain " (details from "Kaiser Maximillians I (the founder of the Hapsburg House)"), 1515 Bernhard Strigel (1460-1528) Kunshistorishes Museum, Vienna, Austria
Carlos I is in the center, and his "Habsburg" lip and mandible (prognathism) are obvious - his mother is not shown (Juana de Castile), instead is shown his father's mother who is H-. Also shown is Maximillian, his father's father who is H+. But ... NOTABLY - neither of Carlos I parents were H+ - so? from whom did he inherited the gene mutation? - his grandfather? - an Austrian courtier who may abused or even raped Juana? - or did she have an affair (all unlikely, because she had multiple chidlren with H+ traits!) - Inbreeding, incest, etc. were common among royalty. PLEASE NOTE companion videos - "Game of thrones - Bastards - Emperors - Genes". Please also see companion images which contain many other comments. One central question is "who is the real father of the Emperor Carlos I or Charles V.
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