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"Kartoffelacker bei wessling (Flowering potato field)" (see related A | B), 1876 Wilhelm Trubner Lenbachhous Gallery, Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Consumption of potatos continues to be a leading nutrient of the "poor". Potatoes are also "poor" in micronutrients and tend to incorporate radionuclides such as Cesium 137 (Cs-137), Strontium 90 (Sr-90). Failures of potato crops were conducive to "potato famines" such as the "Great Famine" or "Great Hunger" which decimated Ireland and caused the death of over 1 million people during 1845-52. Queen Victoria is infamous for her indifference to the plight of the Irish people. The discussion of this historic event is an example of immorality often analyzed from a political perspective rather than an ethical bancrupcy of British leaders of that era.