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"Danae" (see details) (see related A | B | C | D | E | F) Tiziano Vecellio (known as Titian) (c. 1488/1490 - 1576) Art Institute, Chicago, Illinois, USA
From the studio of Titian (perhaps a copy) after other originals.
My personal view is that Titian either was a shrewd businessman or cheated his patrons. Note the multiple virtually identical versions of the theme which is inherently "ticklish". Furthermore, his patrons were kings, emperors, and the like. I doubt that they were happy paying large sums of money for "not-original" versions, some of which are likely to be by Titian's apprentices. The strokes our hands make while writing (graphology) or painting are particular and can identify individuals. It may be of interest to analyze the "graphology" of the seven versions of Danae included in Pandora Word Box.
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